“Everything is not as it appears to be.” – Proverb

My Thoughts: 

Most of the time you will come across difficult times in life which is saddening. However, you will realize that even those difficult times, is a test to you from above. There is always worse, and you can’t look at the worse, you need to realize the moment you are in now. Realize that you can conquer the moment and become a stronger person. When time goes by, even the sad moments in our lives are moments that make us stronger than we ever were. It is hard, but the outcome is strong. With special care and good mind, you can overcome anything that comes your way.

It is Life

It’s just life and that’s it, we all are going to have difficulties in life. You might overcome it better than another, but we all go through it one way or another. It’s just the way God designed life to be like. I mean let’s take a look at the animals and how a lion eats a deer. Isn’t that sad, just how happy the deer was couple minutes ago and now its eaten by the lion. For whatever the reason is, God designed it to be that way. Everything will fall together, but sure it is hard.  Most importantly, don’t lose who you are, and you can overcome anything as God created everything.

Be Active 

I just want to mention to be active with your mind and don’t be afraid to do things. If you are afraid, do it anyway as that is the purpose given to you. Sure, it may seem hard, but anything can be done, and everything is a lesson too. You will just be one step stronger than before and eventually you might just not have any more fears. Keep working and trying.