Quote Pictures2018-12-22T12:14:47-08:00

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"Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts." - Alan Cohen (My Thoughts:) This is absolutely true and that we need to appreciate everything that we are going through. For whatever you are going through, there is always someone else going through the same thing. If you have problems like depression or anxiety, well

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in a gentle way

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." - Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi (My Thoughts:) It's kind of sad how everything may seem right than out of nowhere there is an Earthquake that shakes the world apart. Something keeps bringing me to the same thought that God is doing it on purpose for whatever reason it has in its mind. Same with the dinosaurs and they once ruled the

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highly evolved

"Those who are highly evolved, maintain an undiscriminating perception. Seeing everything, labeling nothing, they maintain their awareness of the Great Oneness. Thus, they are supported by it." - Lao Tzu (My Thoughts:) No matter what Lao Tzu say's it's always right. Now, I kind of want to climb the mountain and go for an adventure walk just to clear my mind. For two decades now I have been going

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how much do

"How much do you engage yourself in what's truly real and important in life? That's the individual question." - Ted Danson (My Thoughts:) What I think Ted Danson is saying is that we need to not waste time on stupid stuff that don't matter. Instead, we need to work on things that matter. An example would be such as going to school instead of chasing boyfriends or girlfriends. Taking

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"War settles nothing." - Dwight D. Eisenhower (My Thoughts:) This is absolutely a no brainer, I mean who really would think that war is the answer? What good is there killing one another just for land. There is nothing good that comes from war and instead there should be a different way to settle things. No one is wanting to go to war so why even have a war.

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"Boredom is the feeling that everything is a waste of time; serenity, that nothing is." - Thomas Szasz (My Thoughts:) When it comes to boredom there is nothing negative I can say as I like to do nothing. Being bored works for me and its relaxing time if you really think about it. On top of that, many people take boredom as a feeling of joy during relax times.

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what if we

"What if we just acted like everything was easy?" - Mary Anne Radmacher (My Thoughts:) What I want to get to with this quote is about acting. For example, let's say you are having a bad day and nothing is really working out for you. In that case, you start showing facial expressions that you are not really in the mood of greatness. In other words, when people look

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the mind

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." - Plutarch (My Thoughts:) Anyone remember ever having a Kindle from Barns & Noble? It is a device where you can read books on it and it's as if it doesn't exist anymore as cell phones and tablets have advanced in the past years. Did I say Barns & Noble? Well, it might be

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"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." - Wayne W. Dyer (My Thoughts:) Kind of like sugar-coated candy, it is something we eat and get addicted to. Candy is not something that we need and it is something that just tastes good. Just for the taste we tune right into it and it does nothing but destroys our health. At the same time, it

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there is a great

"There is a great difference between knowing and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it." - Charles Kettering (My Thoughts:) This reminds me of one thing and that's that, a woman (LOL.) You can just know about everything and yet still not understand it. It all comes down to the roots which goes to the first days of human beings. From the first

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the eye sees

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." - Robertson Davies (My Thoughts:) What this tells me is that God has send us here and prepared us to accomplish what we need to do. He has put the view in our eyes and designed us to carry special tasks that he needs us to accomplish. Everything in life is planned by him and our eyes see

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the faith that

"The faith that stands on authority is not faith." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (My Thoughts:) Well in order to understand this we first need to understand what authority means. It means to have power kind of like leadership way. You give the right of way, make decisions and give orders. This said, Ralph Waldo Emerson makes sense into what he is saying. Why? Because faith doesn't need the right

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nothing is

"Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known." - Michel de Montaigne (My Thoughts:) Well, I'm really not sure if this makes sense or not, but it's kind of like playing chess. Just reading this quote makes me put myself into position of chess to really figure it out. Otherwise, you are stuck not knowing exactly what Michel de Montaigne is really saying. Of course, it is

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you either

"You either do it completely and utterly, or you should stop doing it." - Bono (My Thoughts:) This goes for anything in life. Whatever you do, I suggest going all out and doing it 100% with all your mind to it. Kind of like love. For example, if you love someone than you want to contribute your heart 100% to your loved one. Otherwise, it just ends up with

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it is always

"It is always the simple that produces the marvelous." - Amelia Barr (My Thoughts:) It is true in a way as we take a look at a butterfly. At first it was just a simple caterpillar and then in just couple of days it turns into a butterfly. As simple as a butterfly may seem, the process to become one is still a challenge to understand. Almost as a

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creativity is

"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous." - Bill Moyers (My Thoughts:) Most people are probably wondering just exactly what does mundane mean? Well, according to one dictionary it means lacking interest or excitement in other words being dull. Basically, we need to be creativity to find the marvelous and also this reminds me of the film called: "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." I highly

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the creation

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (My Thoughts:) Well, I'm not sure how life is going but seems like we are just going to run out of trees sooner or later. I mean let's look at the Amazon Forest and just how much trees we are cutting every day. All these trees we are taking for paper or anything related such

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From wonder

"From wonder into wonder existence opens." - Lao Tzu (My Thoughts:) I'm kind of wondering and wondering and lost at myself. I was in a temporarily job working in a Halloween maze as I'm updating this on 2023 and I'm just wondered into sadness. As the Halloween even is over, there is no more maze and now I'm just sad. However, I'm not sad over the maze, I'm just

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Education is not the answer

"Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions." - William Allin (My Thoughts:) Well, regardless of what education is the point is all the same to get more knowledge and to keep educating all the way to the top. Even though education is not the answer, the answer is to do what it takes to get education. If you

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