At last, a dream come true is now available at Panda Express for a limited time. It is Hot Orange Chicken and just spiced up and ready with some heat. As I tried it the first time, my mouth was on fire and my lips were burning. If you get this, I highly suggest to have some drink ready as it is pretty hot. I was expecting to be a little heat but it was just on fire.

Served hot

As I tried this many times, I found it more hot when it is served warm. I ate it cold and I found it way less hot than when it’s served warm. On top of that, I found it the hottest when mixed with the White Steamed Rice than the Chow Mein. For some reason, the White Rice gives it a little more boost to the fire. Absolutely delicious in flavor and chilies all over the place. You can see the chili seeds along with real chilies in this dish.

Panda Express Hot Orange Chicken 

As much as I thought this was spicy, my mom thought it wasn’t that spicy. Maybe I kept getting the spicy blend but I really think its super spicy. It starts off sweet, then right away the fire kicks in and it stays. It doesn’t play games from sweet to hot, it just stays hot and starts burning.

Not Cooked Enough 

As much as I found this to be super delicious, it just needs to be cooked longer. The entire meal needs to be cooked to have a little bit crunch. It’s as if they are scared to cook it all the way. I’m not sure why they don’t cook it thoroughly, but it’s happening from every Panda Express I’ve been going to lately. Just cook the damn meal.