Finaly, Canelo brings his VMC Alcohol Drinks to USA and I picked 1 up from Ralphs on sale price. There are 3 flavors to choose from and all of them have the same ingredients. The ingredients are Blanco Tequila with Natural Flavors and Sparkling Water. Well, let’s get to the tasting. Before that, all of them are 5.5% on the alcohol volume and 12oz in can size.


Jamaica Hibiscus Cocktail – This one is the strongest of alcohol taste and packs a lot of flavors. Besides hibiscus, I got mixed berries and pomegranate taste too. With this one, I couldn’t get any water flavor as the Tequila is just dominating the entire drink. Very strong on the tequila taste which seems like it’s 75% tequila taste and 25% natural flavor taste. Very sour and strong with complex flavor.

Margarita – Kicks a punch with lime and getting notes of lemon along with citrus flavors. The lime dominates the flavor and you can taste the tequila but not that strong. This cocktail tastes 50% tequila and 50% natural flavors. The flavors and tequila mix so well together that delivers smooth and relaxing flavor.

Paloma – Almost tastes like candy in a cup and has vanilla and grapefruit flavors. Very sweet and absolutely delicious. The alcohol taste is like 20% while the 80% is natural flavors. This one makes me just want to drink nonstop and delivers a punch of joy.


My favorite goes to the Paloma because I just like sweetness.

No Information 

There is no info on the calories along with how much sugar there is. The ingredients are on the cans, but it doesn’t clarify if they are the ingredients or if they are just some ingredients. No info on the colors so I only supposed they are naturally delivered. On top of that, no information about the tequila except for that it’s from Mexico and it’s Blanco Tequila.