This are the 2021 Kinder Joy Limited Edition Eggs which come out on holidays. Some limited editions don’t come out on Holidays, but I’m really loving this holiday edition toys.

2021 Kinder Joy Halloween Mix & Match Toys

This is the 2021 Kinder Joy Halloween Mix & Match Toys which come in a collection of 8. Besides the toys being in a collection of 8, I was able to only find 8 different styles of eggs. All 8 style of eggs are Jack-O-Lanterns and they look pretty cool. they are sold individually or I found a package of 4 sold in Target. I like the package of 4 because they rip apart into 4 different pieces and look much cooler. They look cooler because they provide additional way to decorate the Halloween table.

Halloween Toys 

The toys are a mix & match toys which basically you can mix them with other toys. They come with a string and a sticker which can be used for keychains, bracelet, backpacks, or just about anything. As this is Halloween Edition all the toys are pretty much the same, except they are in different colors and come with different Jack-O-Lantern stickers.

My Halloween Favorite 

I think they are cool for decorating and my favorite one goes to the red one with tiger look alike Jack-O-Lantern. After opening 31 of this toys, the last one I opened was the red tiger look alike one. I was able to get multiple of all toys, except for the last one, which is another reason why its my favorite one.

2021 Kinder Joy Christmas Edition Toys 

2021 Kinder Joy Holiday Edition

2021 Kinder Joy Holiday Edition

This 2021 Kinder Joy Christmas Edition Toys really confused me. I opened couple of them and found 3 different styles of papers inside the eggs. All 3 papers came with different style of toys which makes this a very big and almost impossible to collect all of them. I collected as much as I can, and probably have 5 cavities by now from eating all these yummy chocolates. I liked the designs of the eggs, they looked very nice and the toys looked good to hang on trees.

2021 Kinder Joy Christmas Edition Eggs

2021 Kinder Joy Christmas Edition Eggs

I really liked the designs of the boxes too, very Christmas Spirit designs. Overall, great toys for the Christmas to put on Trees, but just confusing from all the different varieties of toys to collect from.